Cicare SVH Training Helicopter Flight Video

Safe helicopter pilot training SVH-3

Cicare SVH-3 Training Helicopter Video

SVH 3 helicopter trainer

SVH-3 helicopter pilot trainer. Safe, economical, modern helicopter pilot training.

The Cicare SVH-3 training helicopter is a conventional helicopter design attached to a unique mobile ground platform which allows full and safe use of all flight controls, including lift off to a normal hover at a height of 3 ft above ground level AGL including hover taxing.

The main objective of the Cicare SVH-3 training helicopter is for the student pilot to gradually and naturally acquire the necessary feel and co-ordination needed to manoeuvre a helicopter. The Cicare SVH-3 helicopter can be programmed to slowly increase the sensitivity of the controls so that the student pilot can progress at their own pace – easily and safely until they are experiencing normal flight parameters.

SVH-3 training helicopter dimensions

Pilot Training Advantages

Where approved by a country’s Aviation Regulator, a reduction of between 60 and 80% in the hourly cost of flight training during the first 10 hours of the course.

Virtually eliminates the accident risk for Students and Instructors during the early training stages as well as protecting helicopters from wear/tear and damage.

Optimising skills formation and reducing stress to suit the learning pace of each unique student.

Allows Armed forces and other security agencies to economically assess the abilities of aspiring pilots before selection for recruitment.

Allows inexpensive “Back to Basics” check and training for corporate operators.

Eastern European Homebuilt Helicopter VideoEastern European Helicopter

A two stroke powered single seat helicopter performing some home style hover practice (not advised – don’t try this, get proper training).

VIDEO: SVH-3 Helicopter Avalon Airshow Flight Demonstration

Seats 1
Height 2.48 m
Width (Skids) 3.40 m
Main rotor diameter 6.10 m – 2 blades
Tail rotor diameter 1.03 m – 2 blades
Engine Rotax 582 (optional Rotax 912)
Max. Cont. Power 65 hp
Empty weight 460 kg
Fuel weight 30 kg
Speed (max) 85 mph
Range (max) 65 miles
Engine Volkswagon (modified)
Horsepower 95 +
Power loading 9 lbs/hp
Fuel capacity 12 gallons
Fuel consumption 4 gph
Altitude (max) 12000 ft

Basic Components of the Cicare SVH Training Helicopter

SVH-3 helicopter base

  1. Airframe made of SAE 4130 steel tubes.
  2. Skids made of SAE 4130 steel tubes.
  3. Main gearbox with commands system.
  4. Main rotor.
  5. Main rotor blades made of composite.
  6. Tail rotor gearbox.
  7. Tail rotor blades made of composite.
  8. Horizontal stabilizer made of composite.
  9. Vertical stabilizer made of composite.
  10. Tail boom with shaft and tail rotor control system.
  11. Slipping platform.
  12. Support system with pneumatic cylinders.
  13. Cabin made of composite.
  14. Compass or turn indicator.
  15. Hour meter.
  16. Standard instrument panel.

    a. Engine temperature indicator.
    b. Main gear box temperature indicator.
    c. Engine rotor dual tachometer.
    d. Fuel level.

  17. Polyurethane paint.
  18. Protection system of Minimum pressure.
  19. Protection system of engine high temperature.
  20. Instructor’s electronic control.

    a. Engine stop.

    b. Engine failure.
    c. Wind simulator.
    d. Protection system of high RPM.
    e. Three independent lights of simulated alarm.
    f. RPM simulator.

  21. Engine quick stop.
  22. Height limiter switch.
  23. Fuel tank made of stainless steel.
  24. Firewall made of stainless steel.
  25. Collective pitch control (dampener).
  26. Light of maximum height proximity (amber).
  27. Light of maximum height (red).
  28. Navigation and anti-collision lights.
  29. Signal light for the instructor.
  30. Instruction manual.
  31. Maintenance manual.
  32. Parts catalog.
  33. Transport wheels.
  34. Protective boots for cabin, blade tips and rotors.

Cicare SVH-3 training helicopter factory

For more information on the Cicare SVH Training Helicopter contact the Australian SVH distributor.
Rotor Research Pty Ltd
622 Nicklin Way
Wurtulla 4575
Mobile: 0434264557

Contact International: Factory Website – SVH-4

Contact Europe: SVH-4 EUROPE


Cicare SVH Training Helicopter Flight Video

Redback Aviation's video presentation and demonstration of the single seat Cicare SVH training helicopter at the Avalon International Airshow.

1 Comment on "Cicare SVH Training Helicopter Flight Video"

  1. Mr.Sukhraj Prakash | June 6, 2021 at 5:13 pm | Reply

    I see the video of helicopter training its just marvelous to see there performance its just like actual flying and one can built up Ur flying skills very fast and safe I might also come for e training course
    My thank goes to CICARE SVH training and also to Mr. CICAR himself

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